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Now Streaming: The Larry Janiak Collection

October 6, 2015
Janiak 2004 Web

Larry Janiak, 2004

We’ve been talking a lot about Chicago filmmaker/artist/designer, Larry Janiak, lately. We screened his films this past summer at Anthology Film Archives, and again this past week with Conversations at the Edge. We’re now excited to make his entire filmography publicly available (for the first time!) over on our Larry Janiak finding aid. We feel very fortunate to be the chosen caretakers of Larry’s collection, which includes experimental films and documentaries he made primarily from the years 1960 to 1970:

Allegro (1960)

DL #1 (Disintegration Line #1) (1960)

Adams Film (1963)

Glasshouse (1964)

Agamemnon in New York (1964)

Life & Film (1965)

Hale House (1965)

Vedanta Temple Dedication Day Ceremony (1966)

DL #2 (Disintegration Line #2) (1970)

Homage #5 (1970)

Animation Film Making: A Teaching Method at the Institute of Design in Chicago 1968 to 1980 (1999)

Filmmaking for Larry was a very spiritual exercise. It was a means to explore his own meditative practice…an exercise to control nature and be free. We realize a small Quicktime isn’t the most ideal format to view Larry’s work, but we are overjoyed (& overwhelmed!) by the opportunity to share his work beyond the theater. We invite you to discover and feel the films for your self.

+on a personal note, this will probably be my last blog post for CFA. I’m headed to the Southeast soon to do some of my own exploring. It’s been such a pleasure to work at CFA over the past eight years, and I’m super proud of all that we’ve accomplished in that time. I’m really going to miss CFA…especially Nancy, and the other wonderful people I’ve met along the way. CFA , Anne

Janiak Dontworrybehappy Web

detail of a birthday card made by Larry Janiak


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