Based on an informal film screening group called the Logan Square Rhinos, where former members of Filmgroup at N.A.M.E. Gallery and Northwestern film students screened their work for family and friends along with a shared meal, JB Mabe will program a screening of work from the Rhinos members Chuck Kleinhans, JoAnn Elam, Michelle Citron, Julia Lesage, Carole Isaacs, and Dan Curry alongside new small gauge and neighborhood specific work by Nelson Carvajal, Karen Johannesen, Mike Gibisser, and Jason Halprin.
Michelle Citron: Integration, 8m, 16mm on video
Dan Curry: Saturday Mornings, 4m, 16mm
Julia Lesage & Carole Isaacs: Las Nicas (excerpt), 6m, video
Chuck Kleinhans: Back Porch, 18m, Super 8 on video
JoAnn Elam: Backyard, 16m, 8mm on video
Nelson Carvajal: Cobraface, 3m, video
Karen Johannesen: Resonance, 3m, Super 8
Mike Gibisser: Third Law: N Kedzie Blvd., 8m, 16mm
Jason Halprin: Shoot Out the Star, 4m, Super 8
JoAnn Elam: Boyers & Rhinos, 5m, 8mm on video
About the programmer:
JB Mabe is a librarian, filmmaker, and programmer living in Chicago. His work has shown at Images Festival, New York Film Festival, Onion City Film Festival, and Chicago Underground Film Festival. He is the eldest of the three Brontë sisters who survived into adulthood.
About the festival:
Extinct Entities is a month long series of performances, lectures, and screenings that engage the various spirits of Chicago’s artistic past. This festival attempts to address the difficulty of presenting the legacy of ephemeral practices. Artists were challenged to create new works that enact, re-enact, translate, interpret and excavate histories of extinct spaces and collectives. Extinct Entities is an inquiry into how history might be activated across time and space.
The Festival is curated by Links Hall Artistic Associates Anthony Stepter, Erin Nixon, & Anthony Romero and builds on research, conversation, and performances including the Extinct Entities Symposium sponsored by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in April 2013 and the University of Chicago’s Gray Center for Arts & Inquiry exhibition Never the Same in October 2013. Recipient of the Propeller Fund grant, the curators of Extinct Entities will create two publications–one produced while developing the event and one produced following it–that will serve to exhibit the project’s inquiries, act as co-generated forms of documentation, and serve as a reflection on the process.