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CFA Fundraiser: Chicago Film Archives Night 2005

May 13, 2005 from 6-9:30pm

Join Chicago Film Archives as we shine a light through Chicago’s rich history and culture. Celebrate with live music, food, drink and cinema.

Participate in enlightened discussions with Academy Award winner Haskell Wexler, film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum and filmmakers Mike Gray, Edward O. Bland and Rick Prelinger as they explore Chicago filmmaking during the sixties.

Take a credit by helping CFA collect, care for and exhibit our unique, historic and often times rare films of the Midwest.

Program guests:
Jonathan Rosenbaum
Haskell Wexler
Mike Gray
Edward O. Bland
Richard Prelinger

Black Tie Optional

For Tickets or Sponsorship Contact:
Chicago Film Archives
(773) 478 3799


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